I spent this morning working with my buddy's 15 yr old son on his second bow, his first was a hickory sapling. Since his dad is the one I made my first osage for, and is the one who got the Osage for me, I really want to get his boy one working for this fall. He got it all worked down and a ring mostly chased this morning when we saw this crack one ring below our target ring. There might be enough to go down another ring on the limb with the crack but the other one split to thin to go any deeper.
Option 1: chase down another ring on just the one limb fading into the one above at the handle.
Option 2: fill with superglue and try to clamp it tight.
Option 3: Not experienced enough to think of a third one!
What do you guys think.
The pictures were taken with my phone so I'm not sure if they're clear enough to see what I'm talking about.