YAY! I'm offering more figurines! Got everything I needed out of my last offering but now I need some backing materials.
I need mostly hickory and bamboo. I need two chunks of hickory ready to rock and roll. Then I need all the prepared bamboo I can get...mostly, with the bamboo, I need four 30~36" pieces that are closely matched for a short horsebow, then I need as many full length (60"+) pieces.
My wire figurines start at the $15+ shipping mark and go up from there depending on complexity. They are made on demand and I can make almost any pose...and I like a challenge.

I just did this one for one of our George's...

That's just a few examples...I have a lot more and this is a really versatile art. Let me know what you would like and I'll give you a cash equivalent so we can make a fair trade.