Thanks to all of you for the nice responses. One bow sure dont make me a stave bowyer, but it was fun and nowhere as though as I thought it would be. With my woodcarving background I actually found this project went pretty easy and like the "free-hand" aspect of the work.
Bubby, I really dont see any difference in the two as far as the performance, but in all fairness this bow is really long by my standards, wouldn't want to say till I try it with a real short one. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a "soft-spot" for the quartersawn only cause I made bows that took a lot of abuse from the stuff and cant say the same for the staves......hell if it wasn't for the white woods and just knockin the bark off, I still wouldn't be makin staves at all. Guess I'd have to say I really love makin bows and when it gets down to the short strokes it dont matter how a guy goes about it......hows that for "skirtin" an issue?
