Main Discussion Area > Arrows

how many ??

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       Pat.........       I have used whistler arrows but I usually dont. I shoot ducks on the water durin' their season while Iam huntin' deer and hawgs since both seasons overlap. I have had some luck with whistler arrows but fer the most part I haven't been able to get them to work fer me. Cane skippers work great at least fer me ;D........bob

OK, call me dumb, but what's a skipper?

                                          Marius.......... a skipper arra is just that ! It skips along the top of the water. It has a sharpened fire hardened wood tip and a ring of sinew about 1" behind the tip. Sinew is wound ta be about 1/2" in diameter around shaft then covered with pine pitch ta be waterproof. When shot BELOW a bird on water, usually a duck the ring of sinew makes it "skip" and hit the bird. Very effective. Ring wont let it go below surface. I use cane arras so they float an I can retreive  ifn I miss :'(  Kinna like skippin' stones along he top of water ! Been usin' em fer years mostly on wood ducks in season an cur...., ah never mind ! ;D Yummy, very tasty !  Will try ta post a pic fer ya later today of one............bob

I usually carry about 6 arras with broadheads and a couple with blunts. You never know when you will miss (lol) a couple of shots and get another chance at another deer or elk. Blunts are for grouse and stumps,

I carry 3 broadheads and a small game arrow in an old four arrow bear quiver. Don't like the quiver on the bow.


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