Two additional points have been raised on other sites that I think would be worthy of addressing.
1. - When you are happy with the tuning you should certainly shoot your broadheads. I have heard people talk about flight problems with broadheads - broadhead steering the arrow - etc. but I have personlly not had too many problems. I think if you get the tuning really good then it will significantly reduce any issues you may have. I am very anal in the process. I would weigh my broadheads. Don't trust the box. I have had BHs that were 15-20 gr. heavy or light and that will certainly make a difference.
2 - Fine tuning. It was suggested that I make a video about how I tune for target shooting. I may do that in the future but for now I'll say that I am constantly tweaking my bow to keep it tuned. I keep a card with brace height, nocking point height, tiller measurements, etc. I keep a bow square in my quiver and every day I check those measurements. As I shoot I frequently give the string one twist or the plunger a click. Once you have your form to a point that you are repeating every shot very close you will be able to make very small adjustments to the bow that will enable you to fine tune the bow. Don't view tuning as something you do when you get a bow and arrows and then it's done. View it as a continual process. Best of luck.