Boy howdy. Just read through this one and I am glad to see that everyone seems to be calming down now. I thought gundocs humility was inspiring and I love all you guys on this site. I love the mag and read it cover to cover and then pass it on to my ole primitve bow buddy "one eyed" Bill. So we get a two for one benefit out of it. He's been disabled and can't afford much anyway and I would probabely loose track of where it was if it was'nt for him. He puts em in a binder.
My two cents worth is this, PA needs to make money to pay the bills and make it worth their while ( free enterprise system at its best). If PA wants to set a few more rules, thats ok with me. I think it could have been soft sold in a more genteel way and recieved a more positive reaction.
I have been a subscriber for I think a couple years. I've been in the contest a few times but never won and to be honest with you don't think I ever will. Thats ok its still fun to see your work along side the greatness that graces this site and share mutual appreciation of one anothers accomplishment. I subscribed because it was easier than trying to remember when the next issue comes out. I get so busy in life that sometimes its tough to even come up for air, so I'm glad when I go to the mailbox and there is another issue waiting to be devoured. I personally want PA to do well financially so that they can remain strong and solid for many years to come, because I know that if they don't, then we loose a very valuable resource in the promotion of the hobby we all love so much. I like traditional archer well enough, but I love PA. So for me I will subscribe until the cows come home. For those that can't, I understand.
I'll leave you all with this thought; I was told a long time ago by a man I consider to be wise, " you can tell the size of the man by the size of the problems that upset him". Now if I could just find that LOW DOWN DIRTY ROTTEN &$%*&^%^* thumb tack I lost I could get something &^%$#%&&%% done around here.
