This is a lot of firsts for me, so be gentle with me.
First Osage.
First spliced billets.
First static recurve.
I shot it for the first time today and it still needs some final tweaking and I may add a leather grip, the arrow pass has been relieved by an extra 1/8" to match my arrows a bit better and I adjusted the string grooves and nocking point. She shoots pretty well (better than me!)
Once it's all finished I'll sign it and name it 'Texas' from whence the billets came (thanks George).
47# @ 28", I'm aiming for 45# so I've got a few pounds to play with.
64" ntn, with a short grip in Del style

, with the heel of my left hand overflowing onto the curve of the fade. No arrow shelf and not much cut away at the arrow pass, all a tad ELB


I guess my splice isn't too shabby for a first attempt (to be honest the other side isn't as good

), the last pic is upside down, so slight cut away for the arrow pass is bottom right.

I'm very impressed with Osage, although it did give me a few splinters and couple of worrying moments. Very different to Yew but great to work and it certainly loves the scraper.