Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

vintage osage static recurve flight bow

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Blackhawk,her draw was 25" and she usually shot bows in the 30# range.i do not know what the poudage is on these flight bows.

Fantastic bows!
And its so cool to hear history from those who "lived it" instead of reading it in the books.


Pat B:
Very cool bows Seabass and a great gesture of yours to put them in a museum in her name.

thanks Pat.she is one great lady.she gave me seven bows.two static flight bows,one sultan made by e.bud and charles made by Bill Folberth(the guy that invented atomatic windshield wipers and the first patent for a center shot bow in 1933).two yew longbows,one with flipped tips and one straight.a very nice 5' 6" target recurve (maker unknown).she is also looking for her gear box and flight arrows.she is going to give me these also.i spent 3 hours talking to her about archery.she is a wealth of she wants me to bring by my equiptment for her to check can tell that she really misses archery and was very passionate about it.

Way cool, Seabass.  I'm with Blackhawk.  Very inspiring.  I will have to replicate one, as well.  BH, if you make one we'll have to have a shootout!


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