Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

vintage osage static recurve flight bow

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Pat B:
This would make a great article for PA magazine. Have you thought about that? Get an interview from her with the pics of the bows and any possible pics or other memorabelia she may have.

Pat,i will sure ask her about the interview.i have never wrote an artice for a magazine before.i have no idea about how to go about it.if anybody has any ideas,let me know.i need to know questions to ask her and about pics.if she will go for it,so will i.she is very interesting to talk to.

Del the cat:
Woo.. just seen this really cool post.
Maybe it would be good to move it to the flight bow section?

  Wow, that was quite a find, is the arrow rest still visible? Curious what it is made out of?

So am I right in thinking the arrow rest is sort of a floppy/hand-guard type thing? Never seen anything like it before, anyone still use them?  Are they tied on or glued and pinned?


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