Kenneth. I know your intentions.
and I appreciate your input. Unfortunately for this year we don't have the time. With our next CBP we should discuss where they are going before, or at least while we are building the set(s). Most of us are just into the building and discussion aspects of the CBP. The process takes so long and the spaces between progressions go without activity so the interest wains. I know everyone has a life to live so non-vital projects take a back seat, as it should be.
I'll be sending a letter to RMEF shortly with our proposal. Along with the letter will be a list of contributers, where they are from and what part they had in the process, and some photos. I don't even know if they will except out proposal. Once I hear back from them I will know what to expect from them and how they run the show. We might be able to use your idea after all but until I hear back, its only a guess. Pat