Started on this bow a couple months ago and took it to Mojam to play with in the heat. Immediately took a liking to the top limb, but pretty disapointed in the lower limb as it didn't match the rest of the bow. Wanted to see how I did with a "snakey osage bow", and knew the tiller was gonna be tough. As usual, I had plenty of good eyes around camp and we got her pretty close. Unfortunately, It came in plenty light so I brought it home and cut an inch and a half off each end. That helped me hit target weight and it still had plenty of draw length. Used a "holey" skin I got from a friend to enhance the snake and fortunately all the holes were on the sides. Finished with urethane and a satin coat to follow.
Wish it would have had a matching bottom snakey limb, but still pleased with the outcome. Planning to take it to the woods of Colorado and hunt elk with it here in about a month. Will let ya'll know what comes of that (assuming I make it back

Bow came in at 60# @ 29" and stands 64" tall