I got frustrated with a couple other projects...including all of my recent archery related projects...today and shucked off all my normal responsibilities and made this thing.
I've been trying to make a few other styles of bow but I had to fall back on this one...I can do these all day long. If I could sell one a day I could quit my job. Found a "fair" board to work with and I had some hickory cut into 1/8" sheets...one was good enough for backing. Glued it up, shaped it with a hatchet, fine tuned the tiller with a sureform, and did some sanding and finishing.
The handle is hemp wrapped around the stave then saturated with TBII. The nocks are white tail antler. The back is laid over with patterned cotton fabric.
Stands 71" end to end, 69.5" nock to nock. Draws 55lbs at 28". About 2" of strnig follow...I never can seem to get away from that with red oak. My only real disappointment is that I have a real fancy string made by Zanderpomo that I wanted to use, but it's too short. My favorite part is the same as it is with all of my red oak bows: I LOVE the wood grain!

I'll do some drawn/strung pics tomorrow. It's too late to go shoot tonight.