Main Discussion Area > Arrows

Sorghum cane?

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Here in Missouri some locals still grow sorghum,type of sugar cane,molassas is made from. Any body know if arras can be made outa this? Thanks, Auggie.

Pat B:
Auggie, If it is like the sugar cane I'm used to it would be too big for one thing.   Pat 

Plus, I'd probably get hungry and eat all my arrows...........

                        Et arrows as Hillbilly said or put them in rice and soup pot ta boil. Sorry, naw didnt see ya arrow(munch ,munch, burp !) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D....bob

It does taste good. I can remember when I was a kid, Grandpa would grow a patch of sugar cane and make molasses every year. He had one of those molasses mills that you hook the mule to and let it walk around in circles all day turning the gears to squeeze the juice out of the cane. We used to always grab a handful of cane stalks and sit around chewin' on them.


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