Once I have the venison corned it usually goes in a pot with at least a quart of water for every pound of meat. I toss in a small handfull of cracked black pepper, some bay leaves, coriander, and what have you for spices and pop it in the over at 200 degrees. When the oven kicks on it will go up as high as 225, but it settles down to just around the boiling point. This stays in the pot for at least 5 hours and during the last hour and a half I will add taters, corn on the cob, onions (whole), carrots, rutabegas, turnips, parsnips, or any other root veggies. For the last 20 minutes I add a small cabbage cut into quarters. Take the time to whop up some biscuits or cornbread and you will feast like the kings and queens.
Today opens archery deer season here. High time to get me some raw materials!