Thanks for the kind comments everyone. Regarding hand shock: It pulls and releases smooth as butter and quiet as a mouse. It doesn't appear so in some of the pictures, but the tips are thin and narrow (less than a 1/2".) Also, shooting an arrow in the 10 grains-per-pound range really helps. It transfers more of the energy that would be wasted (felt as hand shock) into the arrow.
I think folks often have trouble with hand shock on long English style longbows because of the long working limbs. It's much harder to get nearly 70" of working limb to draw and recover smoothly than, say, 58". Just my $0.02.
Del: Yeah, that rest is an eyesore...kind of like putting lipstick on a pig, only in the reverse. Nonetheless, with all the heat we've had here the past month, a dunk in the village pond would be more than welcomed!
Thanks again, all.