Main Discussion Area > Arrows

knappin again

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Justin Snyder:
I break the tips off of plenty.  I work the tip back to a point and save them in my tool box to give to kids when they stop to watch.  Justin

i do the same for the boy scouts. they ask every year if i could make arrows for an awards ceromony. so the underweight go to them

Very nice points jamie,you do some fine work.

Nice points Jamie, and I certainly do sympathise with you. BTW be up in you area in a few weeks.


heres what i did this week. now i think im done for a while . lol. . the odd looking thing i usually dont make cause i wont use em and i usually break em anyway but that one was screaming for me to do something different. some of the bigger ones will be taken down so i can hunt with em.  peace dick give me a ring when your coming up.


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