Bow forwarded to OldBow by Editor
The bow is and English style longbow and is from Yew that was harvested in 1947 and shaped into a bow in 2007. It has a Z splice at the handle and has Bamboo strips inlaid into the edges of the back and one down the center of the belly. The nocks are made of deer antler in a typical English shape. The bow pulls 58 # @ 28” and is as sweet and smooth as any I have ever shot. It is also very zippy and quiet.
This bow was conceived and started several years ago by Master bowyer Michael Barham. Michael’s health has declined since then and hasn’t been able to finish the bow. I’ve only known Michael for a few months but have grown to appreciate and respect his talent and passion for archery. About a month ago he handed me this bow in its beginning form and said he wanted me to finish it. I gladly accepted but at the same time was apprehensive about being able to complete it the way he had envisioned it. I took it home, laid it on my workbench and studied it for a couple of days. Realizing it wasn’t getting done just by looking at it, I sharpened up my chisels and scrapers and jumped in with both feet. It took every bit of skill I had and every clamp I owned, but a week later it was done.
I was anxious for Michael to see the bow so I headed out to his place. On the way I began to think “what if it’s not exactly as he had conceived it”. But when I got to his place and pulled it out of the bow sock he said “You did it” !!! Enough said.
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