Pearlie, my favorite "bandaid bow",and I still shoot her on occasion is "Trouble Maker(handle with care)"!
She began as a 61" t/t boo backed hickory bow but the boo overpowered the hickory so I sanded the hickory down to 1/8"thick t/t and added an osage belly of spliced lams. Shortly after that the handle popped off and the osage splice gave way so after reglueing I added another handle with 3 thin lams and wrapped the handle with hemp cord(first time I used this) and set it in Massey finish. Even after I did that the handle still wanted to lift so I added a rawhide wrap on one fade then a silk wrap just below that. So far so good. She was built in 2007!
Now "Trouble Maker" is still 61" t/t, a frog hair over 1" wide at the fade with a straight taper to 3/8" tips and pulls at least 55#@26" and spits an arrow with authority.
This bow is a good example of why I don't throw failures away. I have other success stories and still other ones waiting to happen.
Generally I know when I have a special bow. If things start to go wrong I try to fix them until they either get dangerous or it just ain't worth it.