Craig, very interesting what you posted about Ascham. If you look at the video you will see that I match the first archer in Ascham's description (except that I'm in no danger of over balancing) Presumably he's talking about civilian archers who are, given Henry Vlll statute shooting at a mark no less than 220 yards. So in effect I, as a civilian in the early 21st century is shooting the same way as a civilian in the mid 16th century (however badly Ascham thinks it is). Cool. Pity there's no description of English military archers technique from the Hundred Years War.
BTW are you in Australia?
Sorry not to have responded before but I work away from home for part of the week and do not have access to the internet when away, (or rather am too tight fisted to pay the price motels want for the service).
Yes I live in OZ, in the parish of Binjura, about 10km outside the little town of Cooma in NSW, a town that's approximately an hours drive from the snow, the sea and the Capital.

Which of the three archers are you?
Now with regard to your statement "Presumably he's talking about civilian archers who are, given Henry Vlll statute shooting at a mark no less than 220 yards." you are falling into the trap fallen into by most who quote it (or should I say misquote it, probably because so many others have done so), in that it does not in fact make it illegal for an under 24 year old to shoot at closer marks, only that he may not shoot at marks that are 220 yards or closer when using flight or prick arrows (so he must use heavier arrows to do this). Indeed if one considers the Raison d'être for the various statute, hat is to train archers war, what would be the point of only training to shoot at distance when they would be required to shoot at all ranges from the maximum capable by the bow down to targets almost on the point of the arrow before release.
The only full(ish) version of the statute I have managed to find is in modern English so there may be some errors but according to it the statute of 1542 says:
"No-one under 24 shall shoot at any standing prick, except it be at a rover, more than once, when he shall change his mark, under penalty of four pence; that no-one under 24 shall shoot at any mark of eleven score or under with any prickshaft or flight (arrow) under penalty of six schillings and eight pence; that no-one under seventeen shall use a yew bow under penalty of six shillings and eight pence unless his father or his mother shall be possessed of ae10 in land, or he himself 40 Marks; and that the inhabitants of every city, town or place put and keep up butts and shoot at them or elsewhere on holy days and at other times convenient."As Ian mentioned the disco dancing on the loose really does add distance. I've shot for distance with both static and dynamic looses and I've always shot further doing the Blitzkreig Bop
Ian and I have corresponded about this before (at least I think its the same Ian here as on the other forum??) and yes those that practice it do seem to get greater distances using it, however I have yet to hear an explanation of the process that would logically result in the additional distances, it cannot be the leap nor can it be the other explanations I have been given, but whatever it is it works for them. and from what you say it does for you.