Thanks Josh, I appreciate this and it was good to see you and Eric.
The larger one is green granite in a pecan handle. The limb fell off the tree in late June, I roughed it out with an ax then a rasp, then 60 grit sandpaper. The pecan is still green, as it dries out I hope it will loose at least a pound of water, it weighs right at 5 pounds now. I need to seat the blade deeper, if you hit wrong, the blade will pop out. I cut down a privet hedge bush slightly larger than my wrist in about 5 minutes.
The smaller is greenstone from Alabama in a walnut handle. The walnut was drift wood I found while fishing on the Alabama River. I have actually cut some sweetgum limbs with it but that size works much better as a weapon or as a status symbol.
Both were made by pecking and grinding, I beat on the larger for about 8 hours to shape it and ground it on my front porch, which is concrete, and some coarse quartz sand for about 8 hours. The smaller already looked like an ax, I didn't have to do much pecking and only about 4 hours of grinding.
Again, thank you Josh for taking and posting the pictures.