Well I was at the post office yesterday morning and the lady tells me I received a large parcel. I was kinda expecting it to be a bow since it had been a whilesince the bow trade was over. Non the less I was very exited so I rushed home to open my package.. The bow was covered in bubble wrap and I could barely make out its shape biut it looked like a recurve of some time. When I tear of the wrap I see the beautiful contrast of bamboo and IPE and the graceful curves of a deflex reflex bow. The bow is absolutely cool, especially the nice layers of wood in the handle. I decided to string and shoot my poplar arrows so I took it to the backyard and shot a few arrows into my haybale. I have to say its a very nice bow, the contrast is specially nice. I tried making out the name of the sender but was barely able too since it had faded, but I beleive it was someone named Brian. Anyways thankyou Brian.
My camera is charging at the moment so I will have pictures later this evening.
Here are the pics
the bow might be upside down but I dont know sinch I asked for no arrow rest.