Like I said I probably will not participate. Also, there would be very little much benefit from 4" siyahs so why would I do that. Thats like a molly with 4" levers. The benefit from the reflex of said siyahs is early draw weight caused by the limbs storing more energy at the same brace than a bow that had a flat profile, which would up performance of said bow. I enjoyed discussing bow performance/how stuff works on this thread, but I guess it's time for me to stop chiming in and let you guys have fun.
"but good luck getting that to outperform less weighted tipped bows."Ok, one more thing, I have a problem with the general consensus that is so obviously wrong here in this thread that a siyah with 1000 times less mass than a working limb would somehow make a slower bow. I think we need to just use common sense to see the truth. Here are two bow profiles, one a flatbow bow, one a bow with non working levers, each the same dimensions mid-limb, but one bow transitions out from a working limb to a lever:

Come on now, we all know wood is stronger in depth/thickness about 8 times more than it is in width. This means you can make a take a very strong piece of wood if it is deep, and reduce the width dramatically, resulting in a very strong piece of wood that is not even that much wood (if only stressed against the thickness of course). There is no way a bow with thin non working levers would have more outer mass or could be out performed by a bow with wide working limbs. Maybe a d section. It just doen't add up as there is just so much more wood to move on the bow with all working limb than the one with levers. It makes absolutely no sense why a bow with 1000 times more outer limb mass would ever out perform a bow with 1000 times less outer limb mass.

For example, the static recurve I use right now has 6" siyahs that are 3/4" deep and 3/8" wide. The bow pulls 60# at 28" and has been shot all the time for about a year, maybe more. The siyahs are very strong and I am sure would hold 80# or even more with ease. Now, if I were to take the siyahs, and turn them to the side and try to use them as working limbs, making them 3/4" wide and maybe 3/8" thick, they would brake. It fact if I could change around the mass in those siyahs to get enough wood to make the outer 6" of working limb on that bow there just wouldn't be enough and they would brake, as it is a pyramid bow and about 3/8" thick. The only way would be to make a non bending stiff deep limb section. It is just obvious it takes less mass to make a deep nonbending section verses a working limb. And it
should be accepted in this thread that less outer mass makes a better shooting bow.
Ok, with that, I retire from this thread, and can't wait to see some of the fire spittin bows that this contest is bound to produce.