I don't really think there is an argument going on here, or if there is I sure don't know what it is, as I am pretty sure I just keep correcting invalid statements and that seems to be the gist of it. I just woke up ten minutes ago I don't know what the heck I am arguing about anymore regarding siyahs, but I never said I personally could make a bow that would whip all your butts if it was aloud to have siyahs, all I did was try to explain the advantages of low outer mass and early draw weight that siyahs do in fact give, you know, with the little mspaint pic, just tryin to get it out there,... it's not the only way to gain early draw weight but with an unbacked bow you either have to steam your stave into reflex and tiller very carefully (on weak compression red oak wood at that) or add recurve/reflexed siyahs, thats about it I guess. I mean I can't think right now of anyway to add early draw weight to an unbacked red oak bow, can you? And early draw weight and low mass are really probably the only things that are gonna come down to it as it is only red oak flatbows, ... I am assuming d section is not allowed as well,...
"Im now curious to see if your siyahs wood be worth the effort of making or not."Well they would if they lower outer limb mass, up the early draw weight, and lower stack as an added plus, now wouldn't they?

"then we can waste all this talk and prove with real action if this type of design will out perform the others listed."Of course a bow with:
-lower outer mass
-more early draw weight
-would shoot better than than a bow with more outer mass and less early draw weight. Durr. Why is it the general consensus in this thread that a mollegebet bow is a very fast shooting good performance bow, but a mollegebet bow with the levers a bit reflexed is a horrible performing design. It's this stuff thats driving me crazy. If I can get the time I will make a normal little pyramid kids bow for a kid, as it was a great idea to do this, but in regards to making a bow that would not even be allowed in the contest, seems almost insulting.
"and send it to be tested and compared to molly's,holmys,and american flatbow designs."Why wouldn't you allow recurves? Why wouldn't you allow all designs, not just the ones you favor or like to make? I really didn't know what bow I would make if I ended up finding a good board, and I had planned to just have fun with it, but I did not know that I would be designated to make a bow with siyahs, and one that would not even be allowed in the contest at that. You guys have fun. I'm tired of over running this thread, which looks to be a very cool thread with lots of cool flatbows, so I'm done. You and ryoon are really cool people, please don't take no bow talk from me as hostel or personal or nothing, as it most definitely is not. This was a very noble and plain cool idea yall had too. But I would suggest clarifying your rules a bit, I guess I missed the part of no recurve.