Heheheh Jbell...!!!...

Thanks for the complients mate!!..., and yes!!!, some ones here had said me some times what you have allready said...LOL...

...kinda look or feelling that Orlando Bloomīs has..!!...

Now I only wish to gain the same monney guantity that this fellow is gainig up right now!!...LOL....

Thanks for looking mate!!
Hey jpittts!!
Gracias compaņero!!...nice words from you mate!!...

...I really appreciate them!!....

Thankyou Pat !!...

Perhaps I had gotten some of kinda "noviceīs luck"!!...as this is my first Locustbow ever!!!..

Thanks fellow, I love all your nice work!!...

Hi Pappy!!...youīre the KING mete!!...

Itīs a REAL PLEASURE to ear that from you buddy!!...

...Iīm REALLY GLAD !!...

Thanks mate!!
Thankyou Finnish native!!
Glad you liked it!!...

Hi Mechslasher!!...

Itīs REALLY NICE to ear from you !!...I also love your work an think Itīs a good signal what you have said mate !!...
so THANKS from my heart!!
How are you Hillbilly!!
Really kind from you fellow!!..

...I love knots too mate, now even more!!...

Cheers mate and keep up that COOL work you make!!...

See you friends!!