Heh-heh! Yeah, I really did. I had hoped the log would yield a less gnarly staff, but once I saw what was in it, figured I might as well start with a tough one, otherwise I might never work up the courage to try a character bow.
So far, I do feel like I've learned a lot from it. Seems like bows from straight staves will be a breeze now (they won't; but it feels like it).
When tillering, I've been putting my palm on the belly while I flex the limb, and *feeling* the areas where there is flexing tension, then removing wood from where there is no tension. It seems to be working well for me so far. After rasping from "feel", I checked visually to see if the limb was curving as it should -- so far, it's working great. If it works for me, I suppose it's a good method to use, but has anyone else had luck with such a thing?