Well, Erik, I'm not disputing that either Attila the Hun or medieval bow strings existed. What I am saying is, we will never know for sure the details of either Attila's life or medieval bow strings, because we can not examine them first hand. So, for you to say on this forum, that 'medieval bow strings were 3 strands' is hog wash. It's like saying Attila had 14 wives, maybe... but something we will never know for sure.
Hogwash? Do I have your expert opinion on that? We don't have to bet our lives on those details but we know them, not because I or someone else posts them, but because they are described in nonfiction literature of the period. You don't seem able to recognize this. It is called research and all history we know is based on it. Ever heard of it ? Look it up. Enlighten yourself.
Back in medieval times, and especially today, anyone could write pretty much anything they want. I, for one, don't take it as gospel truth. Until a medieval period bow string is recovered, we will not know for sure what they were made of, or look like, or how many strands they contained. Remember, history is written by the victors, and is not always accurate. If you believe everything written in the past as truth, you are truly naive. The only thing we do know for sure about medieval strings is their diameter, being approx. 1/8". We can assume this because the arrow nocks found on existing medieval artifacts (some of which I've examined first hand) are that size. The rest is speculation. How they were made, and what the majority were made of is anyone's guess. To say otherwise, to a certainty, is hogwash.
Anyway, I'm not sure why I get involved in these childish and petty arguements. I guess because I have a hard time letting BS pass without accountability. Armchair experts have always rubbed me the wrong way. I could take a couple of people on this warbow forum more seriously if they contributed some examples of their work for all to see. I've decided not to become involved in it anymore, especially on this particular forum topic. I will continue to contribute, but not in this manner. The useless arguing is over for me. Erik, you and Craig can continue on, amazing us with your knowledge, and I'll remain out of it. This behaviour sure gets some threads way off topic. No more from me.