wow-what a small world the primitive archery community is.
so i get this message from the guy i made my trade bow for. had it just about finished up and it was the only bow i worked on at mojam. well, met a real nice fella named brock, at mojam. we visited numerous times over 5 days. camped just a few spots apart. shared food and adult beverages and stories. never even entered my mind. but yup, he was the guy i was making that bow for. ha! roflmao....brock it was a pleasure to meet ya sir. man, now i really feel bad that bow came in at the light end of yr requested range. well, it outta make a good target bow for ya.

i know you can pull one way heavier than that. but ya got some long arms. reckon you can squeeze another inch or two (and thus a few more pounds)outta the draw...sure am glad i didnt cut them arras down either...ok good story for mojam next year!