Yea Pat I have been pretty buzy but part of the reasons that I havent finished this bow is that I feel a bit over matched and under experienced. This pole just seems hold a few challenges that are not encountered in normal bows, I am having a hard time following one ring as they are hard to see but I guess if I really bear down I can do it. I guess If I dont decrownthen I should round the belly and go for an oval cross section??? I don't know, maybe I am trying to plan it too much and should just get to removing wood and let the stave choose its own course and just hpoe I dont make any grevious mistakes.
Speaking of back packing and getting in shape, I am going on a mountain climbing expedition in a couple of weeks, one of our local 14ers. I want to do some canyon climbing this weekend for training and conditioning. Latst winter I did a back pack camping trip into my honey hole area and found the water source. I knew there had to be water for the cattle and elk that use the area, this weekend I want to make a trip in there and see what all is using the water, there is also a large ruin that I want to look at with out the snow. Kenneth