I hesitate ta inform ya of this but huntin' buff an grizzly are 2 different things !

Buff dont see ya as food, grizzlies do! Buff are herbivores, grizzlies are carnivores! Buff won't charge ya unless ya are threatin' his status with the herd especially herd bulls. A male buff will charge an try ta hook or trample ya, ifn he misses he dosent persist, grizzlies do persist. Buff wont track ya, a hungry or angry or wounded grizzly will. What is it "cowboy" says, "Endeavor ta persevere"(from ballard of Josie Whales") Never said I was completely sane or not "touched" in head a little. I would rather be trampled than chewed on by a grizzly, then buried if still alive and dug up an eaten some more. Like I said "dinners on"

. Gotta admit I respect ya willingness to hunt what can hunt ya.
