This website/forum belongs to Primitive Archer Magazine. All of the costs for this website are paid by Primitive Archer Magazine and at no cost to it's website members. Primitive Archer makes it's money by selling subscriptions. The more subscriptions, the more advertisers which help pay the bills too.
Also, Primitive Archer Magazine makes the rules for this site.

This new rule doesnt mean that you as a member can't participate on the website as usual but what it does mean is without a subscription to PA Magazine your bow(s) will not be considered for BOM each month.
And, if anyone feels unwelcomed here on the PA website because they themselves refuse to help support such a great site, I'm sorry. You will have to live with that. You won't find a more welcoming site on the web. I have subscribed to Primitive Archer Magazine since before it was published. I still have every issue that was delivered to my mailbox. My subscriptions and the subscriptions of all the others is what keeps the magazine alive and inturn the website up and running. When you buy off the rack, very little of what you pay gets back to Primitive Archer Magazine.
I(and the other dedicated Admins and Mods) spend many hours on the website and behind the screnes keeping the site running well and making it a family friendly website for it's world wide membership. We don't get paid for our time doing this but I feel it is a privledge to be able to support Primitive Archer Magazine and the PA website.
So, if you really enjoy Primitive Archer Magazine, if you really enjoy the PA website, if you really enjoy the world wide coverage of primitive and traditional archery, if you really appreciate wealth of information that is free to you at your fingertips, if you really enjoy all the new friends you have made here and last but not least, if you really want your bow to be considered for BOM each month, then help support the magazine that supports this website. Subscribe to Primitive Archer Magazine!!!