Thanks again, guys.
Here's a pic of my forge. It's just 2 soft fire brick with a channel carved out between them. I cut the channel with a rasp in 5 minutes or so. A hole is drilled in the side of one of the bricks that the burner in the picture in inserted into, but not through. I took one more brick and sawed it in half. I use each half to cover each end of the channel to hold in the heat.
And here's a couple of pics of my post anvil. It's just a piece of 4" diameter cold rolled steel, that was maybe 6" long. I filled the bucket full of quickcrete and jammed the steel bar into it. This adds a lot of mass under the blow and really helps move the steel.
In the anvil pics you can also see the type of propane canisters used to run the burner on my forge. If I keep using this one I'd like to rig up some type of hose to run this burner off of a 30# tank, because these smaller ones will freeze up occassionally. I've got an old propane tank that I'm considering converting into a big forge, though.