"yeah..i have, and it was nothing like a holmegård. Bending section was pyramide shaped and levers as deep as wide or deeper"This is kinda what I was meaning, but if made of a strong wood even more extra mass could be removed by making very thing but deep levers, as strength is in how deep the wood is. I mean like verging on 1/4" at the tips thin, but I wouldn't attempt anything like that without it being a perfectly layed out board bow, just cause of twist N such. I know what yall mean about it being like a holmegard, performance might about the same as the only difference would be round unbending tips verses thin deep unbending tips. (Coarse that depends your opinion of what a holmegard looks like, as there seems to be a little variance here) Check this though, how bout 1 1/2" limb width at the fade, pyramid tapered to 1/2" at the beginning of the lever, then gradual taper to 1/4" at the very tips of the lever. How wicked would that (recipe for broken levers) be.
"very mollly ive built except the first was tapered or pyramid limbed"Woah, bout to go check out some of your posts, kewl.
"Look on page 120 TBB4. It looks to me like what you're describing. The first one has a slight taper to the levers. The second on is pretty radical. I think I' try on of those. Heck. I can blow it up just as easy as the last couple I've made"I just blew up a mulberry, and you know what, I was happy, because at least it didn't twist up till then. Long as It don't twist I don't care. Aint nothing more infuriating than knowing you are ALMOST there, up till 26", and then twist pop the string pops off. It's not broken. But it don't work neither. At least when it brakes I know I am DONE and can take a break, or work on something else. With twist it seems the battle to correct it just never ends...

Naw, I remember seeing that bow with the thin tips your talking about in TBB, I was just thinkin about that after my first post... Make sure to post some pics if ya do end up making one!