no these are just good old fashion switch cane as far as i know i have looked it up and the pictures in my book say river cane but these nodes are not developed that much but they have very thick walls so i am not sure as to which one it is they grow to about 18 ft but most are only between 6-8 feet tall. and only about an inch thick if they are llucky. my deacon at my church has several acres with creeks on it that is totally over run with this stuff i have about 500 cut and dring in the shop right now so i will hardly ever run out. i take my time and get them staright as i can before i heat treat them then i straighten while i heat treat as well and they seem not to loose any of the straightness yet i have a few that are 4 yrs old that are still sraight but i only shoot them into deer and shoft foam targets not sure if thats the reason for them staying so straight. lmao