Thanks fellers!! You got it Bob - scralls, don't know where I picked that up - prolly from one of the kids. Far as building stuff - endeavor to persevear has always been in my vocabulary

, now if I can just get the wife off my back.
Jamie - what's your address? I'm going to mail you some prickly pear

. Thanks David, that hide backing isn't hard to do at all - the red look is Rit dye from the grocery store. Preciate it Gordon - knew you'd like that color scheme

, wasn't stealing your look - let's just say I got inspired. Hey Justin - ha, ha, you wouldn't think I could work wood as bent and twisted as my hands are from beating on rocks

, their not as bad as that oak tree was though. Had to do a lot of heating and twisting, bending etc. Learned something on those tips - after I flipped em the string didn't cross the handle any more, good experience, had to redo em.