AW Dad-Burnit Stingray,
I was gonna buy that one....

Been watchin this guy's (le_enterprises) staves for a bit, and bid on a few but as of yet can't comment on his quality or reliability.
The jury is till out on the guy (danohermie) who's staves I am waiting on.
Bought two 64" staves and four 48" billits and a 45" walking stick blank.
Received two of the billits, tracking the rest through my incompetent local USPS orifice.
I swear I am ready to put on my Nonja suit and go sneaking around the neighborhood harvesting trees in the dead of night.

But I guess the Peel of my Sthil would probably give me away.
Heck in Houston I could step out my front door and unload my Socom with no problem.
But a Chainsaw at night?