Looks like we have about 12 folks coming, as of now.
My wife and I will prepare supper(chicken spegetti) for Friday night but if everyone would bring something (venison, taters, onions, carrots, etc) for Saturday night we will try a pot luck like what Pappy had at the Tenn. Classic.
Other than that, please bring what you will want to eat in the mornings and for lunch. We can always do a community breakfast if ya'll want to. I will have plenty of good old mountain water for drinking (branch water when needed
) but please BYOB et al.
I have dispatched 2 copperheads(small but mean) and 1 yellow jacket nest where the camp-o-rama will be so come prepared for such things. Also, this has been an unusually tick-ful year for us. Permanone spray or other insect repellants are recommended.
Looking forward to seeing all of you guys there. It is gonna be a fun filled weekend!