Main Discussion Area > Primitive Skills

Pics for Marius

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Pat B:
Guys, It might make things simpler if you send them dirrectly to Ed Ingold. Maybe lable them for Marius Fara's PA article and let Ed sort them.   Pat

I was using Justin's camera to take pics that weekend.  I dont have those pics.

DanaM you got my head swimming on that one :-[ :-[ I just didn't know who I was dealing with here,Yall sure don't look that smart in person. ;D  ;)

Justin Snyder:
The other thing to consider when resizing is that you can crop first.  Why not get rid of 1200x1200 megapixels of useless fuzzy background. Then you aren't decreasing the quality of what you actually took the picture of by as much.  Justin

640x480 won't be enough resolution for a quality picture in the magazine, good enuf for the internet but
not a print unless small in  size. I recomment that you save an original as a GIF format then you can edit all you want
without losing picture quality then you can use the "Save As" command if ya want to post them.
Pappy I shure ain't that smart but I've been forced to work with computers for the last 20 years something has to sink in eventually.
Most 8 year olds are more computer savvy than me ;D

BTW can't wait for Marius's article should be excellent


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