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Pics for Marius

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Send away guys, but please don't get carried away. Marius got yer pics will  I have 4 days off comin up will get busy on them ok.
I'm happy to help in any way I can afterall we are all brothers right ;D

Marius I decided to have a thrid cup of coffee and get yer pics done before work. Their on their way to Ed.
Its 6 AM and I will still be an hour early for work, sure wish I was one of them people that sleeps in :-\ ::)

thanks brother.  this forum never ceases to amaze me.  it's lunch time here and as y'all may have noticed, i can access the site from work.  i think it started monday and i wonder how long before they block me again.   ;D  anyway, this article thing is turning into another community project.  i love it.


--- Quote ---Hmm....Marius, I wouldn't think they would want good resolution pics of you in PA!   
--- End quote ---

Marius, I didn't really mean the comment above...still trying to get even with you and Justin for that time a while back that I once again stuck my foot in my mouth and you guys nailed me!  ;D

 I can't ever get any satisfaction if you don't at least acknowledge that I'm trying to give you a hard way to go! ;D ;D ;D

Justin Snyder:
You are such a nice guy Greg.  You cant even kid around without apologizing.  We should all be a little more that way.  BTW Didn't your momma tell you that the best way to deal with people who are teasing is to ignore them.  Now you know it works. Justin


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