Main Discussion Area > Primitive Skills

Pics for Marius

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Them are some good pictures,I don't know if I have any like that.They can't use them ?

i'm afraid not.  most of these are around 100 KB.  ed ingold wanted them around 1 MB.  i guess the resolution is not good enough for print media.


--- Quote ---ed ingold wanted them around 1 MB.  i guess the resolution is not good enough for print media.
--- End quote ---

Hmm....Marius, I wouldn't think they would want good resolution pics of you in PA! ;D ;D ;D

Pat B:
 Marie or Sarah should have pics also. Check with them.    Pat

I talked with Ed Ingold the editor on Wednesday.  He wants pictures for Marius's story.  I will have to check to see what I have.  I didn't take too many this year.  I have 4 years worth and we could show GregB's and Pappy's age progression...but Lennie took pics.  He needs higher resolution than you are able to post and he wants as many as possible so he can choose.  He doesn't want them compressed (I think that is the term)
I will send what I have but Justin took some I just don't know if he lowered the resolution on his camera. He needs them soon as possible...Anyone?
Even if you just have one or two send them via email to and note on there Tenn. Classic for Marius's story.


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