Main Discussion Area > Primitive Skills

Pics for Marius

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I will send what I have.  I have 4 years worth...I can send Pappy and Greg through the years and make it look like they aged by the end of the event! ;D  Justin too bad you deleted the latrines...clean as Pappy keeps them it would draw even more people! ;)

Pat B:
I just e-mailed Ed to warn him about a flood of pics coming from the hoard. Too bad mine are too small. I have a good one of Marius that he would hate for me to post.   Pat

ooooh try anyway Pat... just for the fun of it...or just post it here for our entertainment! ;)

Marie, I have one of Marius at the "out" outdoor latrene.  ;D   It is in a zip file I am sending Ed.


That's the reason we don't allow camera's at Cloverdale after dark. ;D ;D


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