Well it is Sunday morning and it was 54 degrees at 5 am. I would bring some warm sleeping "stuff" as it is getting quite chilly in the late evening and early morning. Great sleeping weather.
We will cut and will split more wood today and "maybe" mow the promenade again. I used the back hoe and I dug a pit to bury the debre from flint knapping. Its funny but maybe 10,000 years from now we will confound archaeologists with this site and dig.

Maybe we should put in a time capsule with all of our names.
I may be in Florida from the 23ed this week to the 28th. Need to finish some business. Remember if you have a folding table and a canopy you can easily bring,
bring it. If you have any table covers do the same. We would need to cover any tables with "stuff" on them over night to keep the dew off, and there is a lot of dew at this time of the year.
Well as Jim said, 12 days to go. People sure excited about this as I am getting email Daly. Still looking for a blacksmith to honor us with his presence.
Dick your benevolent dictator