After 5 long years I'm finally going back to the San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado to hunt elk with Kenneth(little John) in September. We have both been wanting to get back together for another hunt since our first back in '06 but until now it just hasn't been feasable for me.
Marcia and I have been mulling this over for a while and finally figured if I don't go now I may never get to go again.

So, on September 2, I will be flying out of Asheville to Durango.

I will be flying back to Asheville on the 10th so we will have 6 or 7 days to play in the high country of those beautiful SW Colorado mountains with my very good friend Kenneth. He's the best(only

) elk hunting partner I've ever had! We will be hunting between 9000' and 10000'. As before, kenneth will have camp set up, this time with a wall tent. The work he puts into my hunt is almost unbelievable and greatly appreciated. Now, if we can convince the elk to join us it will be the icing on my cake!

And of course with a special hunt you know I have to build a new elk hunting bow.

This time it will be a simple workhorse of a bow. Probably 66"t/t with straight limbs and in the 55#@26" range. I have a nice HHB stave that Greg B(and Pappy) gave me at the Classic years ago and it should make a fine bow for this hunt.
I have a lot to do before Sept. 2 especially get myself is shape for the pack in and a week in the high country. I'll be 61 when I leave so this "getting in shape" ain't gonna be as easy as it was the last time

but I guess I'll suffer through it!