Main Discussion Area > Arrows

Two new arrows

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Those are incredible, nice job! What were the swallow tails used for hunting or war?


--- Quote from: Jbell on June 21, 2007, 10:41:36 pm ---Those are incredible, nice job! What were the swallow tails used for hunting or war?

--- End quote ---

Horses. And probably any other soft target that needed a damned big hole it it.
See this thread for my newest swallow tails
Finally finished

The big Swallowtails were used for WarFare,put a hole in a horse that big and it will bleed to death quite quick,which is what you want when your facing thousands of french Horsemen  ;D.

I put this spikey thing on a arrow for my Grozer Bow,its supposed to be a type 7  ;D.

Those are some nice arrows, and the heads too.


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