Yeah, Cipriano, I was a bit upset to say the least. A friend of mine is a lawyer, and he said a warranty is no guarantee, that they can weasel out of repairing it. She did give me an address to send it to for repair, but I am not going to pay what I paid for it again, and the fact that Gen. 3 tubes are far and few between. It was a cool scope when it worked. anyway, I will do what I can to stop an increase in business for Osprey. You say Diego got a Porcupine?

Well eat the porcupine.

Going to do some quill work? The Looney Tunes tune would have been a neat touch, especially at the end when he shot the hog, the ...."abee abee abee, that's all folks" Anywho, you better get back over there and get that bag of meat, and some sausage.

How big was the porcupine? I seen one in eastern Montana, and it was huge!

Well get back over to the feeder, and get a hog. Good luck next time.

Oh, yeah, keep the porcupine out of the freezer, a snake is bad enough, but the wife might draw the line at a porcupine.
