Well, there used to be a show called Bold Journey. It had two guys on there mainly who had traveled around, after retiring, and would film their travels, while doing various jobs, to pay for their travel like lumber jacks in Alaska, and after about six months of that, they thought well this is just too hard, lets go down to the coast, and get on a fishing boat, and make some easy money. How hard can fishing be. Well after a week, they were back at the lumber jack camp. They showed some Native Alaskans, and said that most of the Whites called them lazy, and that they only work a few weeks, or enough to buy supplies, and then they hunt and fish the rest of the year. He said, when you think about it the White man who works all year, just to be able to hunt or fish a few weeks. Who is the smarter one?

yeah, your Dad told me about your Buddy being robbed. Oh well those kind of people don't live to be old. Usually they are taken out of the gene pool by their own kind. Kind of poetic justice. What goes around comes around, is very true. Glad you guys made it back, I imagine your Mom is too, she must've been a wreck.

Like I told your Dad, Your Friend learned a very valuable lesson, always be aware of your surroundings, and if it doesn't look right, leave. I know the KFC must have smelled good, but he ended up losing his wallet and the chicken. Too bad your Buddy, couldn't have laced it with syrup of epicac. They wouldn't be eating fried chicken for quite a while.
I would prefer something a little stronger for them, but like I said, they will eventually be removed. Did you do like I told you at the outset, and take some writing tablets, to kind of keep a journal? Like Cipriano said, it could be edited, and be a good campfire book.
You could throw in some survival techniques, camping ideas, pros and cons, etc. Could be used as a basis for a semi fiction book. You said you wanted to write a book, or was in the process of writing one. Well now you have new fodder. You have places that you can name, and describe in detail. Like Louis L'mour, he wolud research the area and the history, and visible landmarks, etc. before he would write the story, and used them in his story. So you could go to those places today, and actually see the areas and landmarks, and towns, and buildings etc. that he wrote about. You have some excellent material to use as a foundation for a book, and not just one book. You have material that you can refer back to for future stories. No you don't have to have an education to live a good life, but it sure helps. Take the cowboys, a lot of them were very well read, and some very well educated. The schools back then were places of learning, and not a place to be dumbed down like so many school systems now. A college graduate today, would have trouble passing the final exam of a high school of the 1880-90's! There is nothing wrong in doing what the siren call tells you to do,and yes you can live off the land, but unfortunately you don't stay young, and you get to the point where your warrantees start to run out, and you need medical help to get around and get up out of bed. In the morning that snap crackle pop, isn't your cereal!

You don't need to be wealthy monetarily, but a decent income wold go along way to a more comfortable life in your older years, plus enabling a bit of adventure now and then.

eep throwing us little morsels of your travels, and adventure