Isn't it a neat thing when that little light comes on, and the bells and whistles start going in celebration? Yeah, for me following directions, just isn't a man's best trait.

I learned pretty quick, not to straighten or sand the nodes till after the sections in between are straight. Then go for the nodes. Sometimes you have a node or nodes, that are at an off angle, and can't be straightened very much, so you just sand it a bit, but not too much, because that will be a weak spot. I have some I have straightened, and got sidetracked, and never fletched, or put the stone, or metal points on. I have been looking at them lately, may have to get my mind in the groove, and make a couple of arrows. Well more than a couple, maybe at least six. I am going to use inserts, and I want to use the stone points I made, Like Billy posted, I can make functional points, just not pretty points yet, so those that I consider halfway decent looking, and functional, will be put on a dowel, and made into an insert. I want to make some target points, on inserts also, and I want to get them to match the weight, so I can take out the target point, and insert the stone hunting point, and be ready for bigger game and such. Well that's the plan at any rate. I get distracted easily.

I need to get my peace pipe finished. I need to take some pictures of it as I progress on it. I have the bowl drilled, and shaped somewhat, but still need to drill the draft hole in the stone. I guess that is what you call it, sounds good to me. Anyway, then I will start to carve the Eagle head. Again that is the plan.

I still need to carve my frog for the Fantastic Flute Michael C made. I need to carve a frog out of foam rubber for a friend of mine who is also a clown, that does missionary work in Mexico, and she uses the frog as a comedy bit, as she has a frog in her throat, and she puts her hand to her mouth, and coughs, and inserts the frog, and then pulls it out. Kids get a kick out of it. Anyway, just found the eyes for it. They are hard to find, and I had bought these some time back and didn't know where I put them. So Now, was it arrows, or pipe, or frogs I was going to do?

Oh yeah the beer.....
