My character Yew is back to 40# @ 26" on a low brace

The tip of the top limb has a lovely natural flip tip... but it has a streak of rot. I've rasped away the bad stuff and chiselled out the thin groove of remaining rot.
The easy option is saw off 3/4". But maybe just maybe I could inlay a sliver of Waterbuffalo horn, or maybe the old Yew sawdust and epoxy mix

(shhhh, don't tell anyone I said that).
Now you all know I'll listen to all the advice but have to make my own decision in the end.. but hey what do you guys think?
I just love that flip tip and don't really want to lose it.
Maybe the other alternative is file down to a V thin tip and bind round a sinew & glue nock?

(BTW, I think I have some spare length... but that's what we all think before it goes BANG
