It is very pleasant shape to this bow, I like very much. Your tiller looking quite good as well, I usually worry when hear about this type bow that there will be too much bending at limb and riser meet point, though you have made smooth bend it seems, very nice. I also think you would be happier with bolt, maybe not very primitive but design is already not so primitive. I think it will be easier to take down this way as well, and can make look better as others have done with a wood or antler cap on bolt piece.
May I ask to you and other here that make such bow. It needs much thickness at fade to get heavy weight without hinge at fade? Or is it angle of riser that changes way tip leverage is applied to fade of limb? Im thinking, closer to 0 degree platform, the more tip leverage is applied to this area, and thicker material is needed. as the angle increases the less stress in this area and thinner material can be used? I never build such bow, just thinking now.