I all ways let my Tite-Bond II cure out for 24 hrs before I stress the glue joint. If I glue on a grip riser etc. I'll rough cut it to shape maybe 4-6 hours after glue-up but that is it.
I do not heat treat wood (like with a heat gun) weather it lives or fails, I allways use the wood just the way it is. The only thing that I do to help the belly withstand compression (or the back with tension) for a longer time is apply a mixture of pitch and grease (50/50 mix) just prior to tillering and for as long as the bow lives after that.
Also if you use any of the titebond glues, and then try to heat treat you will make the joint go weak or come apart alltogether.
That's just how I do it.....maybe some of the other fellas know more "tricks" than I do.