Actually Holten and Me living in Europe and here we have two kind of dogwood which good for bows. On Holten's pic is cornus sangifolia (nice old ones) it growes max 3-4 inch and colored like white meat wrote in my other post etc. It is a very good arrow shaft material too, on the heavy side.
The other type is Cornus Mas. It growes biger but slower about 4-5 was the biggest I ve seen and looking for a lot because use it for hornbows and try to find a 75 long warbow piece too. The clean straight 50-long part is very rare! Better chance with cornus sangifolia here.
It has bigger piles like sangifolia.
Non of tham looking like yours there, just the leaves like U posted. All of tham like to growe up very near under other trees because the birds eat the fruits and sitting on the tree after that.... u know what I mean

Than the cornus bush going to bigger and bigger and surround the tree. Not often but have seen that sometimes.
So I'm not agree in this with Holten